COURSEWORK QUESTION PAPER: 1st Sit Autumn | 2023 Semester-long |
Module Code: MN5079NI | |
Module Title: Business | Writing and Effective Communication |
Module Leader: Mr. | Ayush Bajracharya |
Coursework Type: Individual | Report: portfolio of two 750-wordmanagement articles |
Coursework Weight: | This coursework accounts for 70%of your total modulegrades. |
Submission | Date: TBA |
When Courseworkgiven out: | Week 2 is |
SubmissionInstructions: | Submit the following to the Islington College RTEdepartment before the due date: ● 1 final report in a pdf file ● Example: 353454345 John Doe.pdf |
Warning: | London Metropolitan University and Islingtontake Plagiarism seriously. Offenders will besternly. |
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Section A: Learning outcomes of the assessments The assignment addresses the following learning outcome/s of the module:
LO2. Write and design ‘copy’ in a professional style for a wide range of businessaudiences, and for a wide range of business purposes, and evaluate and assesstheirimpact.
Section B: Introduction
This final assessment will focus on developing students’ ability in business writingforexternal audiences. It will be a portfolio of two 750-word articles, each articlefor adifferent business audience and purpose. All written assignments will besubmittedonline via My Second Teacher.
This will enable students to develop confidence and expertise in their businesscommunication for a wide range of audiences outside the company, will contributetotheir understanding of how businesses communicate and will contributetotheiracademic development across the course as a whole.
Section C: Assessment Strategy
You are required to work individually to develop two articles for different businessaudiences to expand the market for a best selling product for a company inNepal.
Brief and Task:
– You have been hired as a business development consultant to support thecompany’s external communication for promoting their existing best sellingproduct in the market. You are required to develop two articles to promotetheirproduct for the different target audiences in the digital platform. The product iswidely used in people’s day to day life and available in the Nepali Market.
– The company has clearly mentioned that the articles should be clear, concise, creative and persuasive. Also, should not exceed 750 words per article.
Choices of articles:
You may choose any two forms of articles learned in this module to meet theclient’s requirements.
● Press Release targeted towards general audience ● Copywriting for advertising and promotion (need to elaborate on thecopyidea and make a poster for advertising or promotions)
● Feature article targeted toward its customers
● Case Study for the general audience
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Mandatory: Followings are the contents that must be incorporated while developingthe selected form of articles:
– Company Profile
– Product description
– Target customer
– Benefits to the customer
– Inclusion of 5 W’s and 1 H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How)
These mandatory requirements need to be reflected in your writing. However, theyare not titles or headings for the writing.
Additional help and advice:
See the following link for “How to Write a Winning Sales Pitch”,
Skills you need website:
Section D: Assessment submission
● You are required to compile both the articles in one single file and submit thework in My Second Teacher platform in a pdf format. Do followthe guidelinegiven by RTE for the final submission. The total word count should not exceed1500 words.
● Each article has equal marks i.e. 50 marks for one article. Section E: Marking Criteria: How will you be evaluated?
The marking will be based on individual performance. Each article will be evaluatedon the following criteria:
– Quality of content development (the five “W’s and the H”) – Use of supporting visuals
– Development of heading and byline
– Quality of writing style & Audience engagement
– Focus (paragraph should have a clear main point and should support thecentral idea of the article)
– Unity (paragraph should stick to its main point)
– Coherence (organized logically, flow smoothly, and “stick” together. Makesense to the reader, (paragraphs should be short)
– Correctness (English, with complete sentences, and be relatively error-free) – Writing structure (The Inverted Pyramid)
– Word count
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– Research work
– Incorporation of mandatories in the writing
Section F: Recommended Structure
● Cover Page
● Article 1
● Article 2
● Appendix
Section G: Recommended Reading for references
● Atkinson, I (2011) FT Essential Guide to Business Writing, Pearson Al-Maskari, K (2013) A Practical Guide to Business Writing: Writing inEnglishfor Non-Native Speakers, Wiley
Bradshaw, P et al (2011) The Online Journalism Handbook, RoutledgeHicks, W et al (2016) Writing for Journalists, Routledge Loizou, Andreas (2015) Smack my Pitch Up: Business Writing Success, Urban
Section H: Assessment Grade Description
Level 3 | or 4 Level 5 | Level 6 | |
General | Acquisition of broadknowledge Evaluate informationUse informationplan, developproblem | Generate ideasthrough analysing concepts Demonstrate to command of and specialised skills solve Formulate responses | Critically review, consolidate and extend a body knowledge using a specialised skills Critically evaluate concepts and |
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to well definedabstract Analyse andinformation | evidence fromarange and of sourcesTransfer and evaluate skills and exercise significant judgementin a range of situations | ||
70-100(A) | Very goodDemonstration good comprehensionof the task withevidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation andappraisal Use of a wideof appropriateTransformationknowledgeIndependent thinkingand development ofideasAbility tocommunicationearly and effectivelyVery good evidencepreparationVery goodorganisation, structureand presentationwork – minimal errorsGood references, appropriate sources(quality andquantity). Noreference list orcitations. | Excellent Advanced scholarship of very Goes beyond material provided Excellent linkresearchExcellent analysis, critical synthesis, evaluationand critical appraisal variety Excellent evidence sources preparation of Comprehensive critical understanding of the topic Excellent ability communicate and effectively very cl Excellent organisation, structure and of presentation Good references, appropriate sources (quality and of No errors in list or citations. errors in | Excellent –Outstandingat far end of range) the Outstanding understanding, to exploration andinsight Strong evidenceof originality anddevelopment of own ideas of Develop a highly complex argument and Outstanding communicate clearly and concisely to Advanced clearly organisation, structure and presentationof workGood references, of work appropriate sources(quality and No errors in quantity). list or citations. reference References well utilised and critiqued |
60-69(B) | Very goodDemonstration good comprehensionof the task withevidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluationUse of a wideof appropriateTransformation | Very goodDemonstration of very good comprehension of the task with evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation Use of a wide variety of appropriate sources Transformation of | Very GoodAdvanced scholarship of very Goes beyond material provided Very good link toresearch Very good analysis, variety synthesis, evaluation sources and critical appraisal of |
(for use
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knowledgeIndependent thinkingand development ofideasAbility tocommunicationand effectivelyVery good evidencepreparationVery goodorganisation, structureand presentationwork – minimal errorsGood references, appropriate sources(quality andMinimal or noreference list orcitations. | knowledgeIndependent thinking and development of ideas Ability to communication clearly and effectively Very good evidence of preparation Very good organisation, structure and presentation of work – minimal errors Good references, appropriate sources (quality and quantity). Minimal or no errors in reference list or citations. | Very good evidenceofpreparation Comprehensiveand critical understanding of the topic Very good abilityto clearly communicate and effectively of Very good organisation, structure and presentationof work of Good references, appropriate sources(quality and No errors in quantity). list or citations. errors in | |
50-59© | Adequate –Satisfactory Some analysislimitedSome insight andexploration of ideasSound conclusionsNo significantinaccuracies oromissionsSome analysis, evaluation orsynthesis of informationLacking claritySome evidencepreparationReferencingMostly appropriatesources. Numerouserrors or inconsistencies | Adequate – SatisfactorySome evidence but thinking independently to develop own Evaluation of relevant theories or literature Reasonable communicate and effectively Report informationstructured way Use of an appropriateformat Quite comprehensive at times knowledge of Satisfactory evidence of preparation is sound. Satisfactoryreferencing, appropriate sources. Numerous but minor errors in references | Adequate- Satisfactory Evidence of thinkingindependently of develop own Evaluation of relevant ideas theories or literature Ability to communicate clearly and effectively ability to Report informationina clearly structured way Use of an appropriate in a format Reasonably Accurate, quite comprehensiveknowledge Satisfactory evidence of preparation Coherent and presented – errorsSatisfactoryreferencing, appropriate sources. Minor errors inreferences |
well minor
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40-49(D) | All learningoutcomes met Competent (practical)May be incompleteknowledge (someerrors or omissions)Insufficient analysis,evaluation orsynthesisLimited applicationtheories/knowledgeAn awarenessappropriateprinciples/theories/techniquesIrrelevance toat timesDisorganisedwith weak standardpresentationNumerous aberrationsfrom the requirementsof the taskReferencingattempted althoughmay be inconsistent, many errors, weaksources | All learningoutcomes met Competent (practical) May be incomplete in knowledge (some errors or omissions) Weak or no analysis, evaluation orsynthesis Some application of theories/knowledge An awareness of appropriate principles/theories/tec hniques Irrelevance to the task at times Disorganised work with weak standard of presentation Aberrations from requirements task Referencing is attempted although may be inconsistent, many errors, weak sources | All learningoutcomes met Competent (practical) May be incompletein in knowledge (some errors or omissions) Weak or no analysis, evaluation or synthesis Some applicationof of theories/knowledge An awareness of appropriate principles/theories/tec hniques Irrelevance to the task at times Disorganised work with weak standardof of presentation Aberrations fromthe the requirements of the task Referencing is attempted although may be inconsistent, many errors, weak sources |
CondonedPass30-39(R2/F1) | Learning outcomesnot met Little relevant knowledge Lacking structure Numerous errorsstructure andLimited understandingof concepts/theoriesNo appropriateanalysis, evaluationsynthesisSignificant inaccuracies/omissions Not competent | Learning outcomesnot met Little relevant knowledge Lacking structure Numerous errors in structure and form Limited understandingof concepts/theories No appropriate analysis, evaluation or synthesis Significant inaccuracies/omission s Not competent | Learning outcomes not met Little relevant knowledge Lacking structure Numerous errorsin in structure and form Limited understandingof concepts/theories No appropriate analysis, evaluationor or synthesis Significant inaccuracies/omission s Not competent |
of the is
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Little or no attempt touse referencesso very weakerrors | Little or no attempt touse references and if so very weak with errors | Little or no attempt touse references and if so very weak with errors | |
Under30(R2/F2) | Little engagement withthe task No basic understandingsubject matterPoor communication(written or verbal)Lacking or nostructureSignificant errorsstructure andMany significantinaccuracies/omissions – very littleLittle or no attempt touse referencesso, very weakmany significant errors | Little engagement withthe task No basic understanding of the subject matter Poor communication (written or verbal) Lacking or no structure Significant errors in structure and form Many significantinaccuracies/omission s – very little correct Little or no attempt to use references and if so, very weak with many significant errors | Little engagement with the task No basic understandingof the of the subject matter Poor communication (written or verbal) Lacking or no structure Significant errorsin in structure and form Many significantinaccuracies/omission s – very little correct Little or no attempt to use references and if so, very weak with many significant errors |
(0%) | No submissionNothing of relevancein the work submitted | No submissionNothing of relevance in the work submitted | No submissionNothing of relevance in the work submitted |
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