Subject Code and Title | PROJ6018 Project, Portfolio and Program Management |
Assessment | Project, program, and portfolio infographic |
Individual/Group | Individual |
Length | One- page/one slide infographic supported by 1,000 words justification in a Word document. |
Learning Outcomes | The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: a) Critically evaluate and reflect on the strategic value of project, program, and portfolio management, on project management lifecycles and organisational change management. b) Analyse project, program and portfolio management tools and techniques and argue their significance in improving business practices, value delivery and performance. c) Appraise and justify project, program, and portfolio management frameworks in diverse global organisational settings. |
Submission | Due by 11.55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 3.2 (Week 6) |
Weighting | 30% |
Total Marks | 100 marks |
Assessment Task
Create an infographic displaying a Project, Program and Portfolio diagram that can be applied to an organisational setting based on a case study selected from the provided list. In doing so, you are required to appraise and evaluate Project, Program and Portfolio frameworks and models to demonstrate their differences, interrelationships and applications in diverse organisational settings. The infographic must be supported by a 1,000-word justification document.
Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Diagrams and models are consistently developed in organisations to illustrate working processes, while frameworks allow project management (PM) practitioners to determine how PM guidelines should be implemented. Regardless of the methodology of choice, the framework should provide sufficient guidelines and flexibility to stakeholders to understand the processes and
interrelationships underpinning the components and approaches for the delivery of a value product that supports the organisation’s needs. Frameworks also allow the principles and practices of a PM methodology to be adapted to meet changing situations and an organisation’s needs. PM professionals can incorporate new or existing practices into the selected framework, so that the solution to completing a project is the most appropriate to an organisational need and context (Ackah, 2019). As a PM professional, you should be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of
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where your project fits into the context of a program or portfolio and how it affects the overall success via the delivery of value to the organisation. You should also be able to explain these concepts to your key stakeholders.
PM professionals are regularly called on to research and present findings that are relevant to the project and stakeholders. Stakeholders are generally time poor and unable to spend time reading lengthy documents. An infographic can be used to express the problem and the solution in a graphical format that is easily understood by stakeholders. This assessment allows you to express your creativity by considering the communication needs of diverse stakeholders and present your findings in a visual format that encourages the stakeholders to support your findings and recommendations.
Ackah, D. (2019). Project management methods, methodologies, and frameworks: An exploration for study guild for project management practitioners of Ghana. Project Management Scientific Journal, 1(5), 61–66.
1. Select an organisation from the provided list of case studies.
2. Consider and evaluate the function of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks and models across diverse organisations and how they are specifically relevant in the context of your selected case-study organisation. Ensure that you have reviewed the materials from Modules 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1, including the Essential Resources, Learning Activity outcomes and any additional resources you may find relevant.
3. Review the instruction video titled ‘Infographics’, which can be found under the Academic Skills section.
4. Develop a one-page/one-slide infographic that clearly describes and demonstrates a Project, Program and Portfolio Management framework to stakeholders at all levels of the chosen organisational setting.
5. Key Components, Structure and Format of the Infographic
Key Components
In the infographic, ensure you address and include the following information:
• A short description of the organisation for which you have developed the infographic; • Details of the components of the frameworks and models;
• Details of the functions and outputs in the frameworks and models;
• Details of the responsibilities in the frameworks and models;
• A short description of any differences, similarities and interrelationships you have identified between the Project, Program and Portfolio Management, including the hierarchy of the framework or model and how this applies across the organisation;
• Details of how the selected organisational structure affects your diagram;
• Details of the Project Portfolio Management Investment pipeline as it applies to the framework/model. The diagram should be independent of specific methodologies, allowing the stakeholder to apply the components in their organisational structure. You should NOT include diagrams from specific methodologies or frameworks; rather, you should use these as the basis on which to build and demonstrate the outcomes of your evaluation and appraisal.
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Structure and Format
• One (1) single-page or -slide containing graphic images and minimal text detailing your findings. The Infographic may be created using MS PowerPoint software or Visio or
alternatively via a tool, such as Piktochart, Canva, Venngage or similar. Please check that the tool allows you to download the infographic as a png or PowerPoint file.
• A header textbox that contains the Infographic Title, Student Name and Student ID, Learning Facilitator’s Name and Date Submitted.
• The infographic images may need to be compressed to ensure that the file size is compatible with the TUA LMS requirements.
• The infographic should be uploaded in pptx or png format. You should not upload pdf formats. The Infographic should be saved with a file name that adopts the following format PROJ6018_Assessment_1_your_name_studentid.pptx.
6. Develop a supporting justification report of 1,000 words to further explain and demonstrate the key components of your infographic, its structure and your findings as they relate to the frameworks and models and their application across different organisational structures.
7. Structure and Format of the Justification Report
Please ensure you structure and format the report as described below.
• Title page, containing the Title of the Report, Student Name, Student ID, Learning Facilitator’s Name, Word Count and Date Submitted.
• Executive Summary, providing a summary of the report and summarising your findings and recommendations.
• Table of Contents, setting out the structure of your report, including page numbers and headings.
• Introduction, detailing the background and specific areas of theory addressed in the Infographic.
• Body of the report, detailing your findings and elaborating on the contents, context and application of your Infographic.
• Conclusion, stating your recommendations and elaborating on your recommendations as illustrated in your Infographic.
• Reference list, detailing all the references cited in the report and the Infographic, including references for any selected images.
• The report should use 11-point Calibri or Arial font, use 1.5 line spacing for ease of reading and have page numbers at the bottom of every page.
• The Report must be saved in the native .docx format. Reports should not be converted to .pdf for submission.
• The Report should be saved with a file name that adopts the following format:
8. The infographic and justification report will be assessed based on the Rubric supplied in this Assessment Brief.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. For more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.
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Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6018 Project, Portfolio and Program Management. You should select Assessment 1—Infographic and then select Assessment 1—Submission. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Please note during the submission process:
You should submit your Word document as an appendix as follows. Once your infographic file has been uploaded, click Browse Your Computer to attach the Word document as an appendix. Then, click the Final Submit button. You will not be able to make multiple submissions for this assessment.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework and ELICOS and if applicable to your circumstances, submit a completed Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form to your learning facilitator.
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Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes | Fail (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0–49% | Pass (Functional) 50–64% | Credit (Proficient) 65–74% | Distinction (Advanced) 75–84% | High Distinction (Exceptional) 85–100% |
Research of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks and models Demonstrates analysis and research into multiple Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks and models, incorporating various methodologies (e.g., PRINCE2, PMI and Praxis) Percentage for this criterion = 20% | Demonstrates no evidence of research of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks and models. | Demonstrates limited evidence of research of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks and models in the context of and/or in accordance with the purpose of the assignment. Report and infographic are based on one methodology and demonstrate a limited level of research. | Demonstrates consistent evidence of research of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks and models in the context of and/or in accordance with the purpose of the assignment. Report and infographic are based on a number of methodologies, demonstrating consistency in research outcomes. | Demonstrates extensive evidence of research of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks and models in the context of and/or in accordance with the purpose of the assignment. Report and infographic are based on extensive and detailed research but lack evidence of critical understanding of the research outcomes. | Demonstrates extensive evidence of research and critical understanding of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks and models in the context of and/or in accordance with the purpose of the assignment. Report and infographic demonstrate extensive and detailed research, including a critical analysis and understanding of the research outcomes. |
An understanding of the context, audience and purpose of the infographic Audience of stakeholders of all levels of organisations from within a broad | Demonstrates no awareness of the context, audience and/or purpose of the assignment. | Demonstrates limited awareness of the context, audience and/or purpose of the assignment. Infographic layout and content demonstrate a limited understanding of the use of the infographic as a clear instrument | Demonstrates sufficient awareness of the context, audience and/or purpose of the assignment. Infographic layout and content demonstrate a consistent awareness of the infographic as an instrument designed for | Demonstrates an advanced and integrated understanding of the context, audience and/or purpose of the assignment. Infographic layout and content demonstrate an advanced awareness of the use of the instrument and | Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical understanding of the context, audience and purpose of the assignment. Infographic content and layout demonstrate a critical and systematic awareness of the |
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spectrum of organisations. Use of the infographic as an instrument that clearly describes and demonstrates a Project, Program and Portfolio Management framework or model, independent of specific methodologies. Percentage for this criterion = 20% | demonstrating a framework, independent of specific methodologies, designed for an audience of stakeholders at all levels. | stakeholders at all levels. The instrument is based on specific methodologies but notes the differences and challenges of these methodologies. The instrument is designed for an audience of stakeholders at all levels. | its relevance and application to an audience of stakeholders at all levels. | effectiveness of the use of the instrument as it applies to the general nature of the audience of stakeholders of all levels. | |
Visual appeal and presentation of content Use of colour Layout Clarity and neatness Organisation of content Flow of information Useful for understanding Project, Program and Portfolio frameworks and models for a specific audience | Infographic is difficult for the audience to understand, contains no logical/clear structure and a poor flow of ideas/graphics. Audience is unable to follow the graphical elements. Significant improvements required in the design, colour choice, layout, organisation and flow of information. Specialised terminology is rarely or inaccurately | Infographic and graphic elements are sometimes difficult to follow. Information, ideas and evidence are presented in a way that is not always clear and logical. Some of the required elements are organised and well placed; however, most content lacks clarity and requires improvement in design, layout and neatness. Employs some specialised language and terminology | Infographic and graphic elements are easy to follow. Information, ideas and evidence are well presented, the flow of ideas and arguments is mostly clear. Most of the required elements are presented and well placed. The infographic demonstrates an acceptable level of design and layout that supports the flow of information. | Engages audience interest. Information, ideas and evidence are very well presented; the infographic is logical, clear and well supported by evidence. All the required elements are presented and well placed. The infographic has a good design and layout that supports the flow of information. Accurately employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology. The text contains no spelling errors. | Engages and sustains audience interest. Expertly presented; the infographic is logical, persuasive and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and arguments. Graphical elements are easy to follow. The infographic has an excellent design and layout that supports the flow of information and all of the required elements are well placed and clearly defined. |
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Percentage for this criterion = 25% | employed. The text and Infographic contain spelling errors. | with some accuracy. The text contains some spelling errors. | Accurately employs some specialised language and terminology. The text contains no spelling errors. | Discerningly selects and precisely employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology. | |
Knowledge and understanding of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks and models Components of the framework or model Functions and outputs in the framework or model Roles and responsibilities in the framework or model Relationships between Project, Program and Portfolio Management Effect of the organisational structure Project Portfolio Management investment pipeline as it applies to the framework or model Percentage for this criterion = 20% | Demonstrates a limited understanding of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks or models. Key requirements are missing from the infographic and/or the supporting report. | Demonstrates functional knowledge of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks or models. Infographic and supporting report include a small number of the key requirements but only demonstrate a basic and functional level of knowledge and understanding of the required components of the assessment. | Demonstrates proficient knowledge of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks or models. Infographic and supporting report address most key requirements, demonstrating a proficient knowledge and understanding of frameworks or models and associated components. | Demonstrates advanced knowledge of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks or models. Infographic and supporting report address all key requirements, demonstrating advanced knowledge of frameworks or models and associated components. | Demonstrates exceptional knowledge of Project, Program and Portfolio Management frameworks or models. Infographic and supporting report provide exceptional demonstration of knowledge of all requirements and components of frameworks or models. |
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Correct citation of key resources and evidence Citation of relevant resources for models and frameworks Citation of relevant resources within the supporting report Percentage for this criterion = 15% | Demonstrates an inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas. Infographic contains direct copies of models taken from other sources, with no attribution or adjustment. Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA. | Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed. Infographic contains some copies of models taken from other sources with source attribution but little adjustment. Referencing resembles APA, with frequent or repeated errors. | Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas. Infographic contains models from other sources that are adjusted and used as a basis for the development of the framework, with attribution of a single source. Referencing resembles APA, with occasional errors. | Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements. Infographic contains models developed from research of other sources with attribution of the original source. APA referencing is free from errors. | Demonstrates use of high quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Infographic contains models developed from research, consolidates key data and gives full attribution to the initial sources. APA referencing is free from errors. |
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