MARK 1251 Strategic Marketing Management
Assessment 1: Individual Report – Marketing Plan (30%)
Students are required to write a 2000 (+/-10%) word marketing plan based on what has been learned in lectures and tutorials. Students may choose a company of their choice, however, the company must be working towards becoming green. Students must ensure that high quality reports and industry information are available on the company. Harvard style referencing and the use of high-quality industry and academic sources are expected.
The organization, or the markets in which it operates, will be changing due to the transformations being wrought by climate change. The Strategic Marketing Plan will support the business prospering in a low-carbon world.
This report is worth 30% of the module weighting, it is recommended that students apply the tools and frameworks specifically and precisely to the company, a generic approach is not recommended.
The marketing plan will comprise of the following sections:
- Executive Summary (250 words)
- Situation Analysis (500 words)
- Marketing Channel Overview (250 words)
- Strategy Operation (500 words)
- Strategic Action Plan (500 words)
Specific Guidance and structure
Executive Summary (250 words)
In this section, students will present the main findings of the plan that would be of most interest to the Executive Team. (Imagine a manager can only read this section, keep it brief and remember this is not an introduction, this part is more like a conclusion). This must be written after you have completed all other parts of the assignment.
Situation analysis (500 words)
In this section students are required to complete:
- a PESTEL analysis to scan the macro environment (At least 3 points per factor)
- Porter’s Five Forces analysis to scan the microenvironment, these need to be industry specific and in text citations are required to demonstrate research undertaken.
- TOWS analysis- this must be informed by the PESTEL and Porter’s.
A focus on the specific, chosen industry is needed, and students are required to ensure that factors and discussions are derived from student’s own research. Low quality internet sources whereby tools have been already applied are not allowed.
Marketing Channel overview (250 words)
Which channels are the company currently using in their strategy (online and offline).
Which are or would be (if none existing) particularly effective based on the company’s vision to prosper in a low carbon world?
Operationalizing Strategy (500 words)
In this section, students are required to apply the 7P’s to the selected company. The use of appropriate justification from academic and industry sources are recommended.
Use each the 7P’s for headings to structure this section.
Strategic Action Plan (500 words)
In this section, students are required to create a 6-month action plan for the chosen company.
Students are required to design marketing objectives that support future growth opportunities for the chosen company.
Objectives must be SMART and measurable.
Supporting discussions to justify chosen objectives are required, with use of module concepts demonstrated, credible supporting evidence and in text citations.
Cover page, References, Table of Contents, Appendices (if required) are required and are exempt from the word count.