Task 1 – Learning Journal – Assignment Brief
Module Code: UMCD9W-30-3
Module Title: Critical Business Enquiry Project
Submission Deadline: Tuesday 7th May 2024 (14.00 hours)*
Assessment Weighting: 25% of the total module mark
Marking and feedback deadline: Officially the 30-working day** turnaround is 19th June 2024
Size or length of assessment: Minimum word count – 1000 words
Module learning outcomes assessed by this task:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the role of academic research in business, management and organisational knowledge
- Demonstrate an ability to evaluate different research approaches and methodologies
- Demonstrate an informed understanding of alternative approaches to the development of academic knowledge about business and management
- Be self critically reflective on the quality of own work
*All times are 24-hour clock, current local time (at time of submission) in the UK. his assignment is eligible for 48-hour late submission window
** As this is a dissertation module, the turnaround time for marking is 30 not 20 working day
Completing Your Assessment
What am I required to do on this assessment?
A 1000-word (minimum) Learning Journal which supports / provides evidence of your learning throughout the module.
Please note this assignment has a minimum requirement – this may be different to what you are used to in other assignments. Students who do well in this component go far beyond the minimum.
There are three mandatory sections:
- Section 1 – Tutorial Notes
- Section 2 – Supervision Notes / Record
- Section 3 – Reflective Essay
Assignment Structure
Section 1: Tutorial Notes
This section is designed to reflect the progress of your learning over the course of the module, with a particular focus on the tutorial sessions. Essentially, you will be required to make notes before, during, and after the tutorials and keep these as a record for your Learning Journal. Completing the various tasks efficiently and effectively will significantly enhance the likelihood of a good module grade.
N.B. If you miss a class session you are still required to complete the tutorial activities and write notes for that session to get a good mark for your learning journal.
Typed notes are preferable as they are often clearer, however photographs or scans of handwritten work are perfectly acceptable if they are legible.
Word Length:
A minimum of TWO sides of A4 pages of notes on each of the completed tutorial sessions (1, 2, 3 and 4). So, a total of EIGHT sides of A4 pages as a minimum requirement.
Section 2: Supervision Notes / Record
Here you must include evidence of your supervisory meetings, which includes your written notes and questions from each of your meetings. It can also include feedback received, for example a summary of feedback from a draft section of the review. Typed notes are preferable as they are often clearer, however photographs or scans of handwritten work are perfectly acceptable if they are legible.
Please use the recommended template to record your meetings and notes.
Word length:
No word limit – please use the template provided on BlackBoard and ensure you fill the boxes required (you can expand these if needed).
Section 3: Reflective Essay
This essay should provide evidence of your academic and intellectual development over the period of the module and include your thoughts and reflections on that development. Tutorial staff and the module leader will be happy to provide further guidance on the reflective essay as the module progresses.
Word length:
1000 words minimum. The reflective essay MUST be word-processed, not hand-written.
The mark for the learning journal and literature review together constitutes your mark for the module. A good mark for the learning journal can compensate for a mediocre literature review grade: similarly, a poor mark can significantly reduce your overall module grade.
Important: If you do not submit one of the three sections, you will fail that element (see marking grids in the appendix). Please note that successful completion of the module requires passing both the literature review and the learning journal.
Where should I start?
- Create a word document and use headings for each section of the Learning Journal
- Attend all lectures and tutorials as these will both directly and indirectly inform and support your Learning Journal
- Keep a log of activities, thoughts, reflections as you go through the module – this will help you write your reflective essay at the very end of the module.
What do I need to do to pass?
- Refer to the marking criteria and achievement of the minimum mark e.g., a mark of 40% or above.
How do I achieve high marks in this assessment?
- Refer to the marking criteria and the characteristics of work that achieves a 60% or 70%
- Go beyond the minimum requirement.
- Refer to the Help Sheets and / or ask the Module Leader for further advice on this.
How does the learning and teaching relate to the assessment?
- Both the lectures and tutorials feed directly into the assessment. The lectures are directly related to the assessments and provide essential information which you will need to do well. In the tutorials, you will be given activities during the sessions which help you ‘practice’ what you need to do for your own Literature Reviews, plus the notes will directly go into your Learning Journal, so attendance is crucial to success.
What additional resources may help me complete this assessment?
- In addition to the taught sessions, we will provide Help Sheets which break down each section of the two tasks you need to complete.
- You will be allocated a supervisor for the Literature Review.
- The module leader will also provide regular drop-in sessions.
- There is an FAQ document that will be published once the module has started.
- We have an Instagram group which allows people to ask each other questions and advice.
- The module leader will hold regular (optional) ‘Get Writing, sessions in the second semester to give you some accountability with your writing.
What do I do if I am concerned about completing this assessment?
UWE Bristol offer a range of Assessment Support Options that you can explore through this link, and both Academic Support and Wellbeing Support are available.
For further information, please see the Academic Survival Guide.
How do I avoid an Assessment Offence on this module?
Use the support above if you feel unable to submit your own work for this module.
Marking Criteria
The following criteria will be used in evaluating this assessment:
Tutorial Notes 30%
Supervision Notes 30%
Reflective Essay 30%
Synthesis, Evaluation and Reflection 10%
Please note, a detailed marking grid can be found on BlackBoard.
Formative Feedback and Support
Formative feedback provides opportunities to reflect on your ongoing work and preparation for your assignment. Formative feedback and support to your assignment will be available through the tutorials, drop-in sessions, and supervisory meetings.
Although this is a self-directed independent piece of work, you will have plenty of support on the module. In addition to the above, we will also have regular video updates so you can keep on track, a key milestones timeline, group reading sessions, group writing sessions, an Instagram group and more!
Please use the following file format(s) .doc or .pdf
We cannot ensure that other formats are compatible with markers’ software – it is YOUR responsibility to ensure the reader / marker can open the file.
- All work should be word processed in 12-point font Arial, Calibri, Tahoma, or Times New Roman and 1.5 or double spaced.
- The first page (cover sheet) should include: title of the review, module name, name of your supervisor, your student number, and word count. Please do not use artwork.
- Use a clear heading format but use headings sparingly: we expect you to use main and second-level headings only.
- All references in the text should be included in the reference list at the end in the UWE Harvard style. This should be in alphabetical order. Do not provide separate lists for books, journals, websites, etc. Do not provide a separate bibliography of sources you have read but not cited.
- Avoid appendices – you shouldn’t need them. Do not use appendices to try to expand the word-count.
- All pages must be numbered and show your student number.
- The assignment should be proof-read and spell-checked. Typographical and spelling errors will reduce your marks.
- The Learning Journal MUST be submitted as a .doc or .pdf file. PDF is preferred as this ensures that your original formatting is preserved.
- We will use the electronic submission to check your work with plagiarism detection software.
Word Limit
There is a MINIMUM word limit for the Learning Journal component overall of 1000 words.
Please note the minimum requirement here, this may be different to what you are used to in other assignments. Students who do well in this component go far beyond the minimum.
Section 1: Tutorial Notes
Word Length:
A minimum of TWO sides of A4 pages of notes on each of the completed tutorial sessions (1, 2, 3 and 4). So, a total of EIGHT sides of A4 pages as a minimum requirement.
Section 2: Supervision Notes
Word length:
No word limit – please use the template provided on BlackBoard and ensure you fill the boxes required (you can expand these as required).
Section 3: Reflective Essay
Word length:
1000 words minimum. The reflective essay MUST be word-processed, not hand-written.
Referencing and Assessment Offences
Please ensure you reference all sources used when developing your assessment, using the UWE Harvard system. Failure to properly reference your work to original source material can be grounds for the assessment offence of plagiarism and may result in failure of the assessment or more serious implications. Further guidance on correct referencing is available on UWE’s Study Skills referencing pages.
UWE’s Assessment Offences Policy outlines potential offences and it is your responsibility to understand this policy and avoid potential offences. Details of what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it can be found on UWE’s Study Skills pages about avoiding plagiarism.
Text-matching software (e.g. SafeAssign) is used to check every submission against other submissions made at the same time, previous submissions to UWE and other universities, and internet sources. We may also manually search for matches. When submitting your work, you will be required to confirm that the work is your own.
It is an assessment offence to:
- copy work from any source, including your own previous assessments, and present it as your own work for this assessment, or to provide your own work to others
- to work with others on the assessment in any way, or for anyone to make amends on your work (including proof-readers, who may highlight issues but not edit the work)
- change individual words but keep, essentially, the same sentences and/or structures from other sources: this will be detected by text-matching software. Please write in your own words and style to convey your own learning.
Instructions for Submission
You must submit your assignment before the stated deadline by electronic submission through Blackboard. Notification that the electronic submission portal is open for your assignment is displayed (usually two weeks before the submission date) in the Coursework tab in myUWE, the Assignment link in Blackboard and via an announcement in the Blackboard course.
Please allow sufficient time to upload your assignment, as the system becomes busier and slower as the deadline approaches. Only your final upload will be counted. Ensure all your information is submitted at one attempt to avoid overwriting your intended submission. Always check and retain your receipts.
Submissions of coursework by any other method (including a paper copy, on disk or by email) are NOT permissible for this module.
Before submitting your work, please ensure that:
- You have proof-read you work thoroughly to ensure your work is presented appropriately
- You have addressed all the required elements of the assessment
- You have referenced in accordance with the guidance provided
- You have addressed each of the marking criterion
- The submission is in the correct format
Final Feedback and Marks
Students will normally receive marks and feedback on their submission within 30 working days of the submission deadline (not including public holidays or university closure days). Any delay in returning students’ work will be communicated by the module leader via Blackboard.
Feedback on this module is not limited to the written comments you will receive on individual written assessment submissions.
Feedback and marks for this module will be available by the date specified at the top of this document.
Further Guidance and Support
There are a number of sources of support to improve your study skills, including:
- The UWE Library Study Skills pages – for online support and bookable workshops
- The Faculty of Business and Law’s Academic Success Centre for bookable workshops
- Guidance on using UWE’s Library.
For further guidance on UWE assessment regulations and terminology see UWE’s Academic Advice pages.
Personal Circumstances
If you are experiencing difficulties in completing a piece of assessment on time due to unexpected circumstances (for example illness, accident, bereavement), seek advice from a Student Support Adviser at the earliest opportunity. Appointments can be made via an Information Point or online via the Student Support Pages.
Student Support Advisers can advise as to whether you should apply for ‘Personal Circumstances (PCs)’, how to do so and what evidence is required to support the application. Further details on PCs can be found on the Student Support Pages.
The module leader cannot grant personal circumstances or extension.